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founded 1831
Motto: 'Mare et Tellus et quod tegit omnia, Coelum'
(The Sea and the Land and what covers all, the Heavens)
Join us to explore the natural heritage, geology, archaeology, and ornithology of Berwickshire and surrounding areas.
After the talk
The recent talk on Romans in the eastern borders was well received with the venue at full capacity. The above photo is President Mr. Peter Macdonald (left) presenting a gift to Dr. John Reid MBE at the end of his talk. Click the link below for more information.
The Fisherman - River Tweed
Alcedo Atthis
Northern Brown Argus
Aricia artaxerxes
Long-eared Owl
Asio otus
The Fisherman - River Tweed
Alcedo Atthis
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